Die Site isch e Hilf für alli, wu de Inhalt (Tekscht un/odder Grafike) vu'me-ne Wikimedia-Projäkt wän witerverwände, ob uff de eigene Website, in druckter odder irgendere andere Form. Mr konzentriere uns do uff d'Commons, wiil säll e e Sammlig vu witerverwändbare Dokumänt isch. |
D'Wikimedia Foundation hät an fast keinem vu de Inhalt uff de Wikimedia-Projäkt irgendweli Uurheberrächt; sälli Inhalt ghöre de jewiilige Autore. Allerdings sin di meiste Inhalt unter de Bedingige vu fräiem Inhalt fräi nutzbar (dütschi Übbersetzig), ohni dass mer e Gnehmigung defür bruucht. Normalerwis wirsch also bi de Witernutzig nit mieße um e usdrückligi Erlaubnis froge.
- Content under open content licenses may be reused without any need to contact the licensor(s), but just keep in mind that:
- some licenses require that the original creator be attributed;
- some licenses require that the specific license be identified when reusing (including, in some cases, stating or linking to the terms of the license); and
- some licenses require that if you modify the work, your modifications must also be similarly freely licensed.
- Content in the public domain may not have a strict legal requirement of attribution (depending on the jurisdiction of content reuse), but attribution is recommended to give correct provenance.
Obwohl d'Informatione zu Uurheberrächt un Lizänz vum jewiilige Dokumänt sotte korräkt sii, garantiert d'Wikimedia Foundation nit für ihri Gültigkeit. Wenn de dich also defür entschide häsch, Datäie vu do neume witerzverwände, no müesch sälber nochpriefe, ob d'Aagobe zum Uurheberrächt stimme, genau wie de's sust neume detsch mache.
Other restrictions may apply. These may include trademarks, patents, personality rights, Urheberpersönlichkeitsrecht, privacy rights, or any of the many other legal causes which are independent of copyright and vary greatly by jurisdiction.
How to comply with a file's license requirements
Wär uff e Bild uff irgendeme Wikimedia-Projäkt klickt, wird zu de Bschriibigssite witergleitet. Dört sin d'Informatione z finde, wu de Uffelader vum Bild publiziert hät, bsunders zu de Bedingige bi de Witerverwändig, d'Rächtinhaber un d'Bedingige vu de Lizänz.
Except for materials believed to be in the public domain, a link to the full text of the license(s) is included on the file description page. Some licenses also have a summary available. Please read the full licenses for legal details. Neither the Wikimedia Foundation nor the creators of material on Wikimedia sites provide legal advice. If you need information about how a license applies to your particular situation, you should contact a suitable legal professional in your jurisdiction.
To reuse a Wikimedia Commons file:
Confirm that the file is available under license terms that suit you. For example, if the license requires derivative works to carry the same license (Creative Commons licenses call this "ShareAlike"), that may not suit you.
- Wenn e Datäi odder Site numme unter einer Lizänz stoht, no mien alli Bstimmige vu derre Lizänz aagwändet were. Wenn's mehreri Lizänze hät (d. h. gliichzitig unter mehrere Lizänze veröffentligt wore isch), no chasch bi de Witerverwändig uswehle, vu weler Lizänz de d'Bedingige aawände wottsch. Abgseh vu Public-Domain-lizenzierte Datäie hät's allewiil e Link zum kumplätte Tekscht vu de Lizänz. Ußerdem sin zum Deil uff de Bschriibigssite sälber churzi Zämmefassige vu de Lizänzbedingige z finde.
- Verify licensing and facts. While the copyright and licensing information supplied for each image is believed to be accurate, the Wikimedia Foundation does not provide any warranty regarding the copyright status or correctness of licensing terms. If you decide to reuse files from Commons, you should verify the copyright status of each image just as you would when obtaining images from other sources.
- Note: it is common for publishers to take public domain works and republish them under their own copyright. This may be legal, but it does not affect the public domain status of the original work. If you tag the work with its origin (where you got it and where it came from originally) and the name of the creator, this can help us if a dispute with such a publisher arises later.
Consider non-copyright restrictions: in some countries non-copyright restrictions (inalienable Urheberpersönlichkeitsrecht and other restrictions) may apply to the file for some uses. For example, commercial use of images of people may require the explicit agreement of the subject, and not just the agreement of the image creator (see Commons:Photographs of identifiable people#Country-specific consent requirements and Commons on personality rights).
Use it: Download or hotlink the file, and use it. (See Commons:Reusing content outside Wikimedia/technical.)
Attribution: If attribution is required, provide attribution.
- If the copyright holder (usually the content creator[1]) has specified how, be sure to follow this. If the copyright holder has not specified how to attribute, but the license requires attribution, see Commons:Credit line for a guide on how to do it.
- Note: The person who uploaded the work to Wikimedia Commons may be the original content creator or they may not (they may have uploaded free content from elsewhere). In either case, the original content creator is typically listed in the file summary section as author. If the uploader is not the content creator, it is the content creator who must be credited, not the uploader.
Specify license details: If the license requires you to link to or provide a copy of the license, do this.
Licensing derivatives: If you are creating a substantially new work using the file ("derivative work") and the file's license requires you to license derivatives in a certain way, be sure you comply with this.
Lizänze uff de Wikimedia-Projäkt
Weder d'Wikimedia Foundation no d'Autore vu de Inhalt gänn e jurisdische Rot. Wenn de Froge dezüe häsch, wie d'Lizänzbedingige in dinem Land aagwändet were, no wändsch di am beste an öbber, wu sich mit em dörtige Rächt uskännt.
- Tekscht
- Alli Tekscht uff Wikimedia-Projäkt, mit Usnahm vu de Wikinews, sin Eigetum vu ihre Autore un stön unter de GNU-Lizänz für fräii Dokumentation (GFDL). Mänki Lüt hänn ihri Biidreg au züesetzlig unter witere Lizänze veröffentligt. Inhalt vu de Wikinews stön unter de Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 (CC-BY).
- Bilder
- Bilder uff de Wikimedia Commons sin unter fräie Lizänze, äntwäder unter de GFDL odder ere andere. Lüeg dodezüe d'Site Commons:Lizenzierig.
Commons:Reusing content outside Wikimedia/licenses provides some guidance on the requirements of the frequently-used licenses such as CC BY, CC BY-SA, GFDL and GPL/LGPL.
How to use a file
Once you've determined how to comply with a file's licensing requirements, you can access the file for use, by either downloading the file, or by linking to it directly.
Basic method: On each image's file description page, there is a link to the full resolution
version. Right-click this link and choose "Save as..." to download the full resolution file. (If you use a Macintosh computer, hold down the "control" key while clicking the link with the mouse, then choose "Save as....")
Hotlinking or InstantCommons:
Reuse assistance tools
A tool is available to help you reuse files outside Wikimedia Commons, including downloading and creating attribution statements (credit lines).
- a browser other than Internet Explorer (eg Firefox, Chrome, Opera)
- JavaScript enabled
- If you're logged in, Vector or Monobook skin enabled in your Wikimedia Commons user preferences. (Vector is the standard skin – if you've not changed this, your skin is Vector.)
The tool creates buttons above an image (if you're logged in), or to the top right (if not). For details see Help:Gadget-Stockphoto.
Attribution Generator
The Attribution Generator makes it easy to reuse images that have been released under Creative Commons licenses on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. It is designed to help comply with these license conditions and simplify the re-use of freely licensed images.
Autor odder Uffelader kontaktiere
Wenn de öbbis unter andere Lizänzbstimmige wottsch witerverwände odder es für nötig erachtsch, di rächtlige Bedingige zur Witerverwändig z verifiziere, no cha dr sälli Person hälfe, wu de Inhalt uff de Wikimedia-Server uffeglade hät.
De Autor vu'me-ne Tekschtabschnitt isch dä, wu d'Version vu de jewiilige Site abgspeichert hät, wu dä Tekscht zum erste Mol erschiint. De findsch d'Versionsgschicht am obere Rand vu de Site unter "Versionsgschicht" bzw. "history". De Uffelader vu'me-ne Bild odder ere andere Datäi isch dä, wu sälli uff em Wikimedia-Server abspeichert hät, äntwäder isch er sälber de Uurheber odder er hät si vu-n-ere ander fräie Quälle bezoge. De Uffelader isch in de Versionsgschicht vu de Datäibschriibigssite z finde.
In mänke Fäll wott öbber de Autor kontaktiere für anderi Informatione z griege wie de rächtlig Status vu'me-ne Dokumänt. De Autor cha dr anderi Lizänzbedingige aabiete wie uff de Commons aagee; in mänke Fäll, bsunders wenn de Uffelader sälber de Autor isch, hät är au de Züegang züe-n-ere Version mit ere bessere Ufflösig.
Normalerwis cha d'Wikimedia Foundation nit debii hälfe, d'Autore vu-n-ere Arbet z finde. De chasch uff verschideni Arte versüeche, Kontakt züe-n-ene uffzneh:
- Mänki veröffentlige ihri Adräss, ihr Namme odder ihri Delifonnummere uff ihrer Benutzersite.
- Als aagmäldete Benutzer vu de Commons häsch d'Mögligkeit, eme Benutzer e E-Mail z schicke, wenn är/sì d'E-Mail-Funktion aktiviert häsch. Deno erschiint uff de Benutzersite links e Schaltflächi "Es Mail schrybe" bzw. "email this user".
- Jede Benutzer hät e Diskussionssite, wu mer en kontaktiere cha. Säll findsch, indem de uff de Benutzersite am obere Rand uff "Diskussion" drucksch, uff derre Site, wu de deno anechunnsch, dini Nochricht züefiegsch un si abspeichersch. D'Diskussionssite sin öffentlig!
- When free content is brought to Commons from elsewhere, a link to the source (e.g. a Flickr page) is often included in the file description on Commons. That source may have additional information for contacting the content creator.
- ↑ Absent some explicit transfer of ownership, the original creator is typically the owner of a copyrighted work. In situations where a free license requires attribution, the original content creator should receive credit.
- Text: the writer of a piece of text will be the person who made the edit putting it in the page; see the "history" tab of the relevant page.
- Images and media:
- the uploader of an image or piece of media is the person who placed it on a Wikimedia server.
- The uploader may be the original content creator or they may not (they may have uploaded free content here from elsewhere). In either case, the original content creator is typically listed in the file summary section as author.
tag with name "fairuse" defined in <references>
is not used in prior text.
See also
- Commons:Reuse of PD-Art photographs (essay)
- Commons:Lizänzvorlage
- Commons:Enforcing license terms
- Commons:Reusing content outside Wikimedia/technical
- Commons:Allgemeiner Haftungsausschluss
- Look at the Frequently Asked Questions.
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