Comments on: How To Make Soy Sauce Chicken Sun, 10 May 2020 15:00:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wes Radez Tue, 29 Jan 2019 01:03:35 +0000 In reply to Mary Topper.

Wonderful, Mary. I’m glad to help. And warm wishes to your family, too! ~Wes

By: Mary Topper Tue, 29 Jan 2019 00:01:53 +0000 In reply to Wes Radez.

Hello again Wes, it absolutely helps! It gives me a little wiggle room in planning the timing of cooking and serving all the dishes I’ll be preparing! I hope you and your family have a healthy, prosperous New Year!

By: Wes Radez Mon, 28 Jan 2019 20:04:13 +0000 In reply to Mary Topper.

Hi Mary, sounds great! How do I describe this…in my opinion, the best way to serve soy sauce chicken is on the spectrum from “hot to cooling toward room temperature.” Meaning, let’s say you finish cooking the chicken…then you can serve it immediately or at any point as it approaches room temperature. The refrigeration steps above just hasten that process. Hope that helps! ~Wes

By: Mary Topper Sun, 27 Jan 2019 19:47:01 +0000 Hi Wes!

I have planned my New Year family meal; it is going to be extra special for my son’s fiance who just arrived from China a few days ago. This is the first New Year that she will be away from her family, and I have just about everything ready to welcome her to her new family here in the states.
My question about this recipe is: Is the prepared chicken served cold from the fridge, at room temperature, or heated before bringing to the table with the hot rice and sauce?
I had planned on the ‘white chicken’ but my son just informed me that X. prefers the soy sauce version.
Thanks in advance!
