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More About Me
I have more than 15 years of marketing and business development experience working for companies including Sprint Nextel, Virgin Mobile USA, House of Blues and Morgan Stanley. I left the technology world when my son was born to serve this wonderful cultural community. I hold a degree in International Relations from Stanford University and an MBA from the Yale School of Management.
I am available for interviews about Chinese culture, family life and food here in the United States. Chinese American Family has appeared or been cited in media outlets such as The New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Asia Today with Jeffrey Bingham Mead, Bicultural Mama, Hapa Mama and No Hands But Ours.
Let’s Partner
If you have a product or service targeted at Chinese American parents, then Chinese American Family is your ideal marketing partner. I welcome partnership opportunities with companies seeking to connect with the Chinese American audience through parenting, cultural or lifestyle content.
Education and language, entertainment, toys, financial services, home products and personal style products are just a few of the consumer categories Chinese American Family can effectively promote. Let me share your company or product with my audience through articulate editorial content and beautiful photography offered from a contemporary perspective.
The Chinese American Family web site, social media channels and email newsletter are ideal marketing vehicles for your sponsored content, product reviews, event promotions or advertising. I can also create custom parenting, cultural or lifestyle content for your web site or blog on a freelance basis.
Current Site Metrics
As of the winter of 2019, Chinese American Family has averaged 43,000 visitors per month over the last six months. In addition, the site has approximately 2,000 email newsletter subscribers, 1,000 Facebook followers, 600 Pinterest followers, 200 Twitter followers and 200 Instagram followers.

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Chinese American Family is part of the Red Bean Company network of sites, which includes Red Egg and Ginger Party, the Taishan Project and Dim Sum Central. Together, Red Bean Company sites have averaged 75,000 visitors per month over the last six months. In addition, the sites have approximately 4,000 email newsletter subscribers.
The Chinese American Shop sells high quality kids apparel, home accessories, stationery and ceremonial products. The shop has customers in all 50 states and 19 countries.
Contact Me
To explore partnership opportunities, please email me at I’ll reply as soon as possible.
Esther Cheung Hill
Wes, I’m one of the Board members at the Hip Wah Summer Program. We’re a non-profit, and we know you’ve mentioned our program on your site. THANK YOU! We also call out your info from time-to-time. Do we have your ok to link to your site when an article is relevant?
Also, we see you’re in Oakland. Consider joining the Hip Wah family when your kids are of that age! Next year will be Hip Wah’s 35th anniversary which is incredible for a non-profit summer program. We can’t do it without community support, and we are very appreciative. Would love to hear your ideas on how to continue our outreach to new families. Thanks!
Wes Radez
Hi Esther, thanks for getting in touch and congratulations on Hip Wah’s success! Yes, feel free to link to my articles whenever it’s helpful. I’ll follow up after my site break in August. ~Wes
James Chou
Hi Wes,
Love you site! Can you please place an icon to forward mail your site and articles to family and friends? Don’t belong to Facebook, Twitter or other Social Networks.
Wes Radez
Great idea! I’ll see if I can do that. ~Wes
My nephew and his wife, who is Chinese American, just had a little girl. I want to give a gift that will celebrate the baby’s cultural heritage.
I see suggestions on line for bracelets with bells for baby girls, but I am wondering if these would be safe for a baby given that there might be a chance of the baby swallowing part of the bracelet.
Do you have any suggestions? I also live in Oakland.
Wes Radez
Hi Penny and welcome to the site community! Generally, the bracelets are made well with this purpose in mind, but if you’re concerned about small pieces, there are other ways to go. I’d refer you to the site’s page about baby gift ideas or to the kids section of our shop. ~Wes
I am a female who has a very wonderful Chinese male friend! I would like to buy him a gift for Christmas! What would be some of the items that can be considered an appropriate cultural gift?
Wes Radez
Hi Edith, thanks for your question! I’d point you to my gift guide for ideas! ~Wes
Lilly Lee
Hi Wes, Is there charge to join ?
Wes Radez
Hi Lilly, no, signing up for the site’s mailing list is free! ~Wes
I really enjoy reading your blog, thanks for sharing your culture.
Wes Radez
Thanks for that, Laura. Happy to have you part of the community here! ~Wes
HI… I am hosting my Chinese Business partner for meetings and dinner tomorrow. I have been with my company for six months. In my two previous meetings with this partner, they have brought me a gift. The first time, a Journal, and another time, a fan. I feel like I should share in the culture of gift exchange. Is this appropriate? I would like to give them a souvenir type gift from Florida. Would you have advice for me? Is my bringing a gift to this meeting appropriate?
Wes Radez
Hi Robert, absolutely appropriate. I’d suggest reading the comment thread in How to Give Great Gifts to Your Chinese Friends for more specifics. ~Wes
Caroline Loo-Lew
Are you interested in a new book..Articles… Growing up Chinese and Cuban .
The racial rejection of ones culture?
Or can you help guide me in the right direction.
Thank you Wes…
Wes Radez
Always happy to consider a guest post, Caroline. If you’ll write me with your idea through the Contact page, I’d be happy to take a look. ~Wes
Natasha Yim
Hi Wes,
I love all the activities and cultural events/history you put on your site. I’m a children’s author of multicultural books and have two picture books with a Chinese New Year theme, GOLDY LUCK AND THE THREE PANDAS (Charlesbridge Publishing, 2014) and the recently released, MULAN’S LUNAR NEW YEAR (Disney Press, 2018) if any of your readers are looking for Chinese New Year stories for their kids. My other multicultural stories are THE ROCK MAIDEN (Wisdom Tales Press, 2017) about the legend of the Amah Rock in Hong Kong – your Mom might remember that one – although I did give the ending a twist, and two biographies, CIXI, THE DRAGON EMPRESS, about Dowager Empress Cixi of China, and SACAJAWEA OF THE SHOSHONE. I’m currently working on a math concept picture book with Charlesbridge Publishing set in a dim sum restaurant.
Wes Radez
Thanks for writing, Natasha. Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas is a favorite in our home and my son mentioned that it was read in his kindergarten class this week for the holiday. I’ll look forward to checking out your other books and best of luck with your new project! ~Wes
Grace Annette Chu Yang
Hello Wes,
I ran into your site by accident trying to search up “Lantern Festival 2019 date”. It looks like a fun and family friendly site. Wishing you all the success you work hard for.
I am also American Asian (Polynesian Asian: Chinese ?? , Vietnamese ?? , Hawaiian ? ?? , Fiji ??, etc., descendant), born in Hong Kong and have been residing in Manhattan since 1996. If you found ways to collaborate, I would be happy to carry some of your company products at one of my spas in Manhattan to promote Asian culture.
Grace Annette C Y
Instagram @gracesunshineprincess324
Wes Radez
Welcome, Grace! I’m glad you’ve found the site and hope to see you around the community. Perhaps we can discuss retail opportunities in the future! ~Wes
Dickson Schneider
Hello Wes,
My friend, Richard Lee, was showing me his webiste for the Taishan project, ( that you built.
I am working on a project to build a searchable website and catalog for a large collection of Katagami – antique Japanese fabric dye stencils.
The structure of Richard’s site is very much what I’m looking for.
Can you give me information about who built Richard’s site?
thank you very much, Dickson Schneider
Wes Radez
Thanks for getting in touch, Dickson. I’ll write to you offline with more information. ~Wes
Louise Winter
My friend’s daughter in law from Qiqihar in Heilongjong province is having a baby in December. Her parents are unable to get visas to come over here. We are hosting a baby shower for her (and her 10 Chinese coworkers/teachers at Chinese immersion school). What kinds of things would be appropriate for shower gifts? I read red is a “good luck” color and am thinking about going with red for party decorations, etc. Also, I read about clothing of bright strips of fabric sewn together. We would really appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Thank you-
Louise and Marsha
Wes Radez
Hi Louise & Marsha, thanks for visiting today. Please check out my page about Chinese Baby Gifts. I hope that helps! ~Wes
Last year I decided to make my own “tradition” of painting a ghost or spirit from tradition each day, if possible during Hungry Ghost month. Looking at your page tonight to get ideas for this year. I love the ones who take the shape of household objects 🙂
Wes Radez
Sounds great, K.B. Thanks for stopping by! ~Wes
Hello Wes,
I just wanted to thank you for the very descriptive won ton wrapper recipe. Loved the details and step by step instructions.
I will ne making this with my family this Sunday afternoon, providing they are up for it. If not I will still be plugging away.
Can’t wait to try them.???
Wes Radez
Excellent. Good luck and have fun! ~Wes
Claudia Hung-Haas
Hi Wes,
I was just searching for a recipe for Lions Head meatballs (my mom used to make it and I finally decided to be brave and try to make it too) and came across your recipe and website and thought you looked familiar. Upon looking at your family pictures, I realized you are one of the Lincoln parents. I’m one of the 3rd grade teachers at Lincoln.
This is a great website – thanks for setting it up! I especially like your book recommendations (I love Grace Lin and Ying Ching Compestine) and the celebration and craft ideas. I haven’t explored everything on it yet (I see you have a section on Chinese American History – when I taught 4th grade at Lincoln, some families and I were able to take a trip to Marysville on the weekend which was fascinating). I’m going to share it with my 3rd grade teacher teammates. Do others at Lincoln know you created this? Hello to your wife and son for me. Happy holidays!
Wes Radez
I’m glad that you found my little corner of the internet, Ms. Hung-Haas! I’d be flattered if you shared the site with your teaching colleagues. It’s wonderful to have folks explore the site, rediscover their favorites and find new ideas. Reading stories and memories in the comments is my favorite part of managing the site, so thank you for sharing your experiences! ~Wes